We're going to resume this meeting. Thank you, everyone, for your patience.
All the committee members will have received an email—and please raise your hand if you have not—which included the information that I think is important when it comes to this discussion. The clerk is not allowed to disclose this information in public, and that's why we took the step of sending you an email—so now you do understand.
I also need to remind everyone that when a witness declines an invitation, we can go back to that witness and escalate it and say that it's very important that this happen, but I don't believe we as a committee can compel that witness to appear, just so you understand that. If you wish, what the clerk can do is write a letter to the witness and explain the reasons it's so important for him or her to appear.
We cannot discuss what was sent to you in an email. That is considered to be confidential.
Madam Gallant has her hand up. Does anyone else want to speak to this?
We have Madam Gallant and then Mr. Bezan. Go ahead.