Okay. Thank you for that.
Let me take you to the same appearance, Mr. Walbourne, in 2014. Our colleague Mr. Bezan asked you this at the time:
I understand and I appreciate that sexual assault is a criminal investigation that has to be left to the police officials and authorities, and then ultimately the judicial system to sort out.
You also mentioned the concern that some people don't come forward on sexual assault or harassment because of revictimization.
What about those victims? What role does your office have in dealing with the victims after an assault has taken place, especially as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces?
You responded at the time with this: “those types of cases are not handled by our office. They are handed off to the proper authorities.”
Again, the phrase “sexual harassment” has been added here.
Would you agree that the evidence shows that you knew that the correct investigative body for these types of allegations was not the minister?