Thank you, Madam Chair.
I found it a little suspect how the meeting opened and the way our last meeting closed. You adjourned the meeting without actually having consensus from the committee to adjourn, and Mr. Garrison was trying to raise a point of order.
I will just say this, Madam Chair. I support having the minister come back to committee. I support having him correct his previous testimony, now that we've heard from Mr. Walbourne.
I say to all committee members, though, that I think it would be more beneficial if the minister waited until we got through some more witnesses that we want to call, especially as we hope to expand the scope of the study to include the allegations of sexual misconduct against Admiral McDonald.
If we could have him appear after a few other witnesses have come forward, and we hear that testimony then, Madam Chair, I think we'd be very welcoming of having the minister return.