Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to speak generally about Mr. Bezan's motion today, before I address the amendment. I don't think it's lost on anyone that this is International Women's Day, and that what we're talking about here is fundamentally the issue of whether women can serve equally in the Canadian Armed Forces. They can do so only if they're assured not only that sexual misconduct is not tolerated in principle, but also that effective action is taken when there are allegations of sexual misconduct.
The events that have recently transpired with two chiefs of defence staff in a row regarding sexual misconduct raise the question of whether the senior leadership in the military, and indeed the defence minister, understand what it means to have effective policies against sexual misconduct, and whether those leaders really understand the problem.
Secondly, it's very clear that effective action was not taken once allegations had been made. To me, the essential task of this committee is to establish the facts of those two things. It's not to intervene in any of the specific allegations or investigations. We've all been quite clear on that.
Having said that in general, I want us to keep our focus there. We have a job to do that requires that we hear from the minister again. I'm glad we have unanimous agreement to do so. I support the motion from Mr. Bezan to include these witnesses.
I'm also inclined to support the amendment from Ms. Vandenbeld, which essentially takes out Mr. Wernick for health reasons and makes a written invitation to Ms. Astravas. I think those are good and effective changes to this motion. Therefore, I will support the amendment, and then hope to eventually support the main motion.
Thank you.