Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
I want to start by suggesting that it's problematic to frame this question as protecting women. I don't believe that's intentional on the part of members of the committee. What we're talking about here.... If we talk about protection, we're talking about trying to design protections against something that is inevitable. I think we have to frame this question around the right of women to serve equally in the Canadian Forces. What the committee needs to be investigating is how that went wrong at the highest levels.
For six years now, we've had a minister and a government telling us they have zero tolerance for sexual misconduct. As I've always said, zero tolerance is an aspiration, not a policy. The documents we're asking for here are not looking at individual cases or the truth or falsity of those accusations. Rather, they look at how those serving at the highest levels of the Canadian Forces and how the minister, frankly, dealt with allegations. Were they dealt with in a way that was effective and resulted in effective investigations and action? Clearly the most recent incidents indicate they were not.
I believe these documents may be helpful—and probably will be helpful—in allowing us to see why that happened. For that reason, I am supporting this motion.