Thank you very much for the question.
To your first question about what else Canada can do to continue to strengthen its work, there are two things that have been put in place recently and that we're still experiencing the benefits from, or getting increasing benefits from, related to our national action plan. Then I'll speak to the Elsie initiative fund, which I think is the one you're referring to.
We now have nine implementing partners of the national action plan. When our first one was released in 2011, we had three. When the second one was released in 2017, we had seven, and now we have added Indigenous Services Canada and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs. That is something I talk about, and that our department and our diplomats talk about around the world, because it's a reflection of the fact that we are not saying, “We are perfect at home and you abroad need to do the following things to be as good as we are.” The fact that we have so many departments...and several departments that are domestically focused says we view this as an issue that affects us both domestically and internationally.
The second big thing I'd say we are doing well on, and we can always continue to strengthen—