Yes, Madam Chair.
I have five minutes. Earlier, the minister made a 10-minute presentation, and I do not want him to repeat it.
Minister, on March 1, 2018... You say that Mr. Walbourne told you that a sexual harassment complaint had been filed against the highest-ranking officer in the military, the Chief of the Defence Staff. That's a big deal.
Because the ombudsman was dealing with this matter and was not sure how to handle it, he asked you for advice. According to him, you told him not to bother you anymore, and not to come back to you and tell you what to do. You are telling us that it's not what happened. According to you, you told him to go see the Canadian Forces provost marshal or the military police, an independent body. He then left.
Did you check with them to see if they had received this complaint? Did the provost marshal, the judge advocate general or the military police hear from the ombudsman in connection with this matter? Did you check that?