Thank you, Madam Chair and members of the committee, for the opportunity to appear again before you today, following my appearance February 19 alongside the deputy clerk of the Privy Council.
I have been the deputy secretary to the cabinet for senior personnel and public service renewal since May 2016. Prior to that, I was assistant secretary to the cabinet for senior personnel, a position I had held since October 2014. As deputy secretary to the cabinet, my responsibilities include advising the Prime Minister and cabinet on Governor in Council or GIC appointments.
The Privy Council Office supports the government in circumstances where issues arise with GIC appointees. In doing so, we provide independent, non-partisan advice and support to the government. When there is evidence of inappropriate conduct on the part of a GIC appointee, we provide our best advice to the government on how to address the issue.
In my previous appearance before the committee, I felt it was important to protect the confidentiality of my discussions with the former ombudsman for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, and the integrity of the ombudsman's office and its processes. Since that time, the committee has heard a number of witnesses, and further information has been presented.
With certain details having been shared by the former ombudsman, I can confirm that in early March 2018, the Clerk of the Privy Council asked that I follow up on an issue that the ombudsman had raised with the minister regarding potential allegations of misconduct against the chief of the defence staff. I was asked to follow up immediately, which I did.
A follow-up exchange of emails between me and the former ombudsman took place March 5 and 6. In that exchange, I explained that I was seeking to better understand the nature of the complaint, in order to provide advice to the minister in the context of his role in supporting the Prime Minister and the Governor in Council on appointments.
I met with Mr. Walbourne on March 16. In my email exchanges and in my meeting with Mr. Walbourne, I did not receive information upon which to take further action.
On the specific issue the committee is studying, given that the Canadian Forces national investigation service has opened an investigation, I am limited in the responses that I can provide, to respect the integrity of the investigative process. Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of any investigative process is critical for ensuring that individuals feel safe to come forward and that we respect their privacy.
I know we all agree that any instance of harassment is unacceptable. Every situation is unique, but the right to a safe workspace, where individuals are treated with respect, dignity and fairness, applies to everyone working within a federal workplace. As a senior member of the federal public service, this is a fundamental focus for me in carrying out my responsibilities.
Once again, I thank the committee for the opportunity to appear before you today. I would be pleased to answer any questions you may have to the best of my ability and within the limitations that I have noted. I can also provide information of a general nature regarding PCO's role in the management of GIC appointees, should the committee wish.