I want to be careful in terms of the information that I can share. I'm trying to stay within the confines of the information that is available through our email exchanges. The conversation that we did have remains...I think it's important to keep that confidential
I would say, though, as a matter of course, and as I think the ombudsman's emails indicate, that the concern for the complainant who has come forward is paramount. In these kinds of situations, and I think as I have described a little bit about our role in PCO in terms of providing advice and looking at the process and the way forward, it would not be unusual for me to offer support in any way that we could in terms of whatever direction the complainant provided to the ombudsman.
As someone who is concerned and responsible for the conduct for managing the issues that arise in the conduct of a GIC appointee, we would want to be supportive and available should there be any information that could be shared. That is a general principle in how we would approach those kinds of conversations.