I'm not sure if there is a way to reward people, but I think there is a way of educating people and building allyship. I think there is a misperception that the only problem is sexual assault. Sexual assault is a criminal act. It's very serious and it has to be taken seriously, but I think for many women in the Canadian Armed Forces and the Department of National Defence it's the daily effort to be heard and respected that is the problem. It's the sense of entitlement of some senior people in the organization that it's their institution, not everyone's institution. It's the difference between being integrated and being inclusive.
I think there's a fundamental lack of belief in the rights of equality, equity and inclusion, and there's a misperception that if you haven't assaulted somebody, you have done nothing wrong.
It starts with changing that perception and holding people to account so that there is room for every voice and people are more equal and they are treated more equitably in the department.