Thank you, Madam Chair.
I had the opportunity to hear the end of the speech by the colleague who spoke before me, but I still did not understand how it related to the topic we are discussing.
However, since this is not a point of order now, I will take this opportunity to also share with you what I would like to say to this committee.
I do not know whether members of the committee were listening to the news or reading the newspapers this past weekend, but I am personally quite outraged that members of the government are filibustering and preventing us from moving forward with the work of the committee. Did we not see General Vance playing golf with two senior Canadian military officers, including a military police commander?
I find it particularly disturbing that General Vance is walking around free, which is still his right, while the government is filibustering again and, more importantly, not saying a word about that. In fact, I have not heard any of my colleagues on this committee say a word about it so far.
So I'm very disappointed and very bitter, because this filibuster has been going on for weeks and could go on for months, while important work needs to be done.