I would couch my answer by saying that I think that's not precisely a question for me. I think that's a question for, I guess, the body politic in determining what the roles are that the government wants to do for Canadians. If I look at different militaries internationally.... Let's take the Coast Guard or the protection of sovereignty. Canada uses its navy in a fashion that is probably more extensive than countries that have more robust coast guard capabilities—like Japan or something like that.
Relating that back to pandemics and aid to the civil power missions, like in this case, I think it is a reasonable ask, so long as there is planning and resources allocated that are commensurate to the task. Too often, I think, governments will saddle the Canadian military with a task and, as the fine representatives of the Canadian military here will show, they will do it to their utmost capability and ability, but the resources aren't applied and given to that mission. That's not just with the aid to the civil power. That's with a lot of different areas.
I would say my view is that I think that could be a legitimate use of the Canadian military. It just needs to be resourced properly and it must be clear that it is one of the tasks they must fulfill at the time.