Certainly, it's a great question, and one that we're trying to understand ourselves. We've seen in the past, in the 1950s and 1960s, that there were tests done with these kinds of weapons in space, which provided, I think, a bit of a benchmark in case something like that were to occur again. It's probably worth stating as well that international law prohibits the placement of nuclear weapons in space, so this would be a direct violation of that and certainly counter to accepted norms of behaviour that we would expect from any spacefaring nation.
The impact and implications of something like that, I think, would be considerable in terms of what it might do to pollute the environment, how it might directly affect satellites that were in the near vicinity of such a blast—and certainly it would be a cause for concern that we might, in fact, lose some of the utility of some of those satellites if they're not appropriately hardened.