Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity to speak today on the essential topic of space defence in Canada.
My name is Mike Greenley. I'm the CEO of MDA Space, Canada's largest space company, and the chair of the board of Space Canada, Canada's industry association for all of our space companies. Brian is the CEO, and he'll speak next.
Today I get to lead Canada's largest space company and export our capability globally with over $1 billion in annual sales forecast this year. I get to do that because Canada made three key strategic decisions. Canada decided to be the third country to put a satellite into space to better understand how satellites could enable telecommunications across our country. As a result of that, on a long journey, today MDA Space is a world leader in digital low-earth orbit communication satellite constellations.
Canada also decided to develop synthetic aperture radar, or SAR, satellites to monitor our country and our coastlines. Today MDA Space is the world leader in broad-area SAR satellites globally, based on the legacy RADARSAT heritage.
Third, Canada decided to contribute space robotics, initially in the form of the Canadarm to the space shuttle program and subsequently to the international space station, where it has been operating for 25 years. Now MDA Space is working on the third generation of the Canadarm for the moon, work that has enabled us to launch our own commercial product line, MDA SKYMAKER, to the global space market.
These moves by Canada were critical. They established Canada as a space leader in civil and military space capability. They gave Canada relevance, generated via contributions to the allied team, which added to Canada's sovereignty and geopolitical power. Today's space capability is increasingly important in military operations and is increasingly important to everyday civilian life. It must therefore be protected and defended.
In my opinion, Canada has fallen behind from a military space capability perspective and is not engaging its industrial base effectively. As a result, our relevance in a rapidly changing geopolitical world is declining, and along with it our ability to protect and defend Canadians from a space perspective. Our single largest key challenge, and our single largest opportunity to reverse this trend, is to take a whole-of-Canada approach to defence military capability delivery. To achieve this, there are several things we urgently need to do.
First, we must establish a classified dialogue between the defence department and the industrial base on the true threats in space and the future military need. Military space activity occurs at the top secret level of security and above. The military and industry must be able to talk about the threat and talk about the capability requirements well in advance of procurement and well in advance of operational need. Today we cannot do that. As a result, industry cannot be prepared to innovate and have defence solutions ready for procurement and operational need when procurements suddenly appear decades later.
Second, we must establish a commercial partnership between defence and industry. The Canadian Forces continue to be stuck in a procurement pattern from the past, ensuring that the Canadian Forces own and operate all defence space capability themselves. Today many nations, including the United States Department of Defense and the United Kingdom, have established a policy of “build only what you cannot buy” as a service, with the intent to purchase vast amounts of space-based earth observation data, communications services, launch services, and other space operational support, including counter-space, as a service from industry.
Canada must start to do this or they will significantly delay the establishment of critical military capability while waiting for their procurement processes to complete. It is faster and cheaper in many cases to procure via commercial service from industry, and it leverages a deep knowledge base that does not historically exist inside the Canadian Forces.
Third, Canada must focus on engaging the Canadian space industrial base, which is world-leading, to purchase technology and services in support of space operations in defence of the country. Interoperability and interdependency with the United States is important, especially in such combined operations as NORAD, but Canada must do this in a manner that engages the domestic industrial base. In doing this, Canada will ensure sovereignty and economic stability and re-establish our relevance and geopolitical power that comes from contributing capability to a combined team.
All nations engage their domestic industrial base on defence and security as a first priority, and Canada needs to do the same. Global fairness is not required. It is not conducted in other nations, and it results in Canada negotiating with itself on the global stage.
Lastly, we need to move faster. We are missing opportunity. For example, you'll hear from Telesat today. Canada needs communications in the north. Canada has identified procurement spending to purchase space capability for communications in the north circa 2038. Meanwhile, Telesat will launch a global communications capability with satellites built by MDA Space in 2027. If we had a conversation today, it could potentially be configured to deliver military communications in the Arctic a decade faster as a commercial service. We must think like this. We must start to behave like the rest of the western world about the establishment of military space capability through a whole-of-Canada approach.
Thank you for the opportunity.