I like the way you're thinking. The answer is you can't move fast enough. Objects in space move at 16 kilometres a second. You don't have time to react; you have to predict in advance.
During the French part of my presentation, when I talked about what NorthStar does, we do what nothing else in the world can do. We'll look at space, and then we'll use artificial intelligence and algorithms to predict where objects are going to be in 48, 96 or more hours, giving people enough time to move out of the way.
This capability needs to be embraced generally. I'm obviously biased by saying buy NorthStar's capability, but you can't go buy it anywhere else. Canada is actually a world leader in this technology and this capability.
That is the type of system that must be adopted. My meetings with the Pentagon, again, we're non-classified. I can have as many discussions as I like about what the general problem is. I'm trying to monitor 300 trillion cubic kilometres of space.