It's related to the recognition by the other Five Eyes countries that are stepping up. They are recognizing that vulnerability they have right now. Whether it's the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, plus two, even, these other countries are actively engaging to bring rocket-launch capability. Even if they're in the wrong place—the wrong side of the pond, as it were—they're trying to get something in place so they will have that ability to provide that backup capability.
It is a scary world down there. I bring my U.S. passport with me so I can speak openly about my feelings about the U.S. and that potential disruption, if you will, because of the politics there and where things stand. It is a scary world we're living in. We really do need to get people's attention. When I look across the border, as a Canadian looking south to the U.S., it's like watching a train wreck going on, and not having access to that launch capability there on a day in and day out basis can be really fundamentally just the kinds of things that he's talking about—going to an ATM or going to buy tickets to a football or hockey game. It's the cause and effect that I don't think is really well understood.