There is a military saying that if you don't have a strategy, everything is a good idea. Canada does not have a strategy. I have been working with the Canadian Space Agency for more than 30 years, and the last time there was a long-term space strategy was 25 years ago.
There is frustration on both sides. The government is just as frustrated as private companies that there is no policy stipulating the priorities and areas that should be invested in. We take a more ad hoc approach. There is too much vagueness surrounding the decisions that have to be made. It is not entirely vague, but it is not fixed either. It is not something that can be followed properly, in a strategic way. That has to be corrected.
Once again, the answer to this kind of problem is to establish a national space council, develop a strategy, and provide the necessary tools.
If the government's commercial priority does not match what NorthStar sells or will be selling in the future, we will make strategic decisions accordingly. But when things are not clear, they are not clear.