Yes, I agree that we need to continually evaluate how we classify information. We need to have a “need to share” mentality instead of “need to know”. This is an approach we have discussed with our closest allies as well, because often there is a tendency to compartmentalize information that would be more effective in being shared.
It's a question of balancing synchronization with security and understanding with security. We must continue to question whether we are overclassifying information. The default position can't be to put “secret” and “Canadian eyes only” on it.
To the second piece of your remark, just three hours ago, I was talking to my U.K. counterpart about sharing information with parliamentarians. I believe this committee should be granted security classifications so that we can share with you, in more detail, some of the activities, intelligence and the like that are ongoing. That's a personal opinion, but I think the country would be better for it.