The cover-ups by the chain of command and the department of Officer X are, of course, the latest example of barriers that survivors face. They need an independent, outside office to turn to when they're wronged in this way. They shouldn't, in my opinion, be asked to turn to the ICCM for help when they know that the chain of command is actively covering up an incident, especially from that same monitoring board that is providing advice to the chain of command.
They need the independent, external watchdog. I have a bill that aims to create that, but in the interim, CAF members and DND employees need that champion within the office of the ombudsman.
I'm concerned about the fact that during testimony, the current ombudsman, Gregory Lick, talked to us about finding his replacement. He announced his retirement. He will certainly be missed. It will take an active, robust search to find his replacement. We've been told that this replacement search hasn't started.
Given the fact that so much went on in the CAF throughout his tenure, when can we expect that process to find a new ombud to at least start?