Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Minister, I want to thank you and your colleagues for being here this morning to answer our questions. I appreciate it.
I would like to hear your comments on the situation of staff of non-public funds. We know they're not full-fledged public servants, at least not like the others, but they still carry out activities on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff under the authority of the Minister of National Defence.
As you know, they have been on strike since January 15. I imagine that you're aware of their main demands, but I will repeat them all the same. These workers are asking for fair wages compared to those in the federal public service. They are also asking for the repeal of an order from 1982 that prevents them from being recognized as public servants. In addition, they would like a uniform pay scale on all military bases across the country, as well as job stability.
Quebec non-public funds staff strikers face two disadvantages compared to public sector employees. First, because of the infamous 1982 order, they don't have the same benefits and protections as public servants. So they are not covered by the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations Act. In addition, they are paid less than their counterparts in the rest of Canada. I'll give you an example of the disparity: An accounting clerk on the Valcartier military base is paid $10 an hour less than someone who performs exactly the same duties on a military base in Ottawa.
I wonder if you think it is justifiable for Quebec workers to be paid 30% less than their counterparts in other provinces. In addition, I'd like to know what you are doing or what your department is doing at the moment to resolve this situation.