Thank you.
In Justice Arbour's report, she clearly warned about conflicts of interest within the integrated complaint and conflict management office's structure. She made it clear that the office cannot investigate and provide advice to both the senior leadership and the survivors, and its structural position makes it an easy threat for chain-of-command interference.
The Ottawa Citizen reported last week on the horrific failure of justice by the department. Officer X, an unnamed navy officer, had repeated complaints filed against him and investigated within the CAF by military police, going back to 2006. An internal ICCM report then found that this information was bundled up with 14 years' worth of multiple allegations and MP investigations against Officer X that resulted in zero action. These allegations reached as high as the head of the Royal Canadian Navy, Vice-Admiral Topshee, without any action being taken.
We wouldn't even have known about this incident if the report hadn't been leaked to the media. That harassment continues to date. It's worsening for those who are coming forward and calling it out. For all we know, there are so many more horrific cases being covered up.
Can you tell the committee whether or not the department has reviewed this internal ICCM report and what steps have been taken to get justice for Officer X's victims?