The most important and pressing requirement right now is sensor systems, and not simply in terms of replacing the ground-based North Warning System. The current preference is for over-the-horizon backscatter radars. Integrating both ground-based replacements as well as air-based.... Whether you think in terms of the possible acquisition of AWAC systems, the use of possibly high-altitude tethered balloons and space-based systems, and not just for the northern Arctic part of the threat assessment, but also for the 360 degrees.... That's where the priority has to be applied.
I recognize that this has been a slow process and that some of the technologies that have been looked at are still in the R and D stage. That's a key thing, because if you can't detect it, you can't identify it, you can't track it, and you can't vector interceptor capabilities to the target, then all of the interceptors in the world are going to do you no good.