Jim's absolutely right in terms of the sensors, but I would like to add two things that Canada will have to be facing. It goes back to the issue about the Chinese tests as well.
We are, of course, talking of the modernization of NORAD in terms of the North Warning System. That becomes part of it. The over-the-horizon radars are another part. We are also going to have to be looking at space-based assets for determination, particularly given the speeds and the stealth capabilities of some of the Russian cruise missiles, particularly the Kinzhal missile.
We are also going to have to look at the role that NORAD took on in 2005 and 2006, which is, of course, the underwater detection site. Just prior to the resumption of the Ukrainian war, the Russians demonstrated that they do, in fact, have the capability of cutting undersea cables. We saw these being cut between Svalbard and mainland Norway.
They have new weapon systems, such as the Poseidon weapon system, for example, and other autonomous underwater vehicles, that have the capability of coming closer to Canadian soil, or North American soil for that matter, which goes back to Jim's point of the 360ยบ threat. Given the type of cruise missile technology they have, this will present a growing threat to Canadian territory.
Going back to the question on the Northwest Passage, the approach of these new submarine systems is really going to be the technical aspect of the threat as it grows going into the future.