Thank you very much. I very much appreciate the chance to appear before the committee to share some thoughts on the most recent attempts to develop a Canadian defence policy.
I'd like to begin first of all by stating what is good with the policy. The first thing, of course, is the clear recognition and identification of the threat. In Canada, we've had a bit of a tendency to try to soft-pedal what some of the issues are, particularly when we are thinking on the geopolitical threats. Many of the challenges that are in fact identified within the defence update have their genesis in the period of around 2005 to 2008, so it is both timely and important that the very dire nature of the threat has been identified.
The second element is that, of course, there are considerable promises to provide for very needed pieces of equipment. Again, these are all things that are needed. While we might criticize it for being late, at least we are talking about the pieces of materiel, such as the update to the NORAD modernization, along with the development of the modernization of our submarine fleet.
The major criticism I have, however, is that the document still remains a tactical document, when, in fact, what is needed is a strategic document. What do I mean by that? Again, the document itself talks about the different pieces of kit that we will be getting. It talks in great detail in terms of what some of the new pieces of equipment are that are needed to meet the new geopolitical threats that are identified, specifically the threats posed by Russia, China and Iran. On that front, the tactical side is obviously something that is necessary, but we also need to understand why we are pursuing these tactical needs, and that is the strategic environment.
What I would suggest is that while we talk about the rise of these adversaries, it misses one of the most critical points that we are facing, that the new geopolitical environment, really, at the heart of it, is talking about a transformation of the traditional international arena of nuclear deterrence. What we are seeing is the combination of the rise of the authoritative states with expansionary desires and the weapons systems that they have been developing since 2005-08, which have been enduring in a series of conflicts to give them the capability. For example, when we talk about the various wars, with the Russians in Georgia and the Ukrainians and Russia, we really should be thinking about it in the context of the Russian war beginning in 2008 against NATO, because that is really what it is.
The most important point is one I want to have the committee really focus on. The actions of the Russians, the Chinese and, increasingly, the Iranians represent a modernization of their nuclear capabilities, their delivery systems and, most chilling, their policies. When we go and examine what they are talking about—in terms of hypersonics, the stealth, the speed, the disruption of our political will through social media attacks—really what we are talking about is a consideration of these enemy states to not only continue in terms of the maintenance of nuclear deterrence—and that still remains the critical part for the forces of all three countries—but also their ability to increasingly talk about and have the ability to launch a strike using nuclear weapons.
The last point that as Canadians we have to be very aware of is something that we always sidestep. Because of this changing nuclear environment, the Americans are very much engaged. They have already engaged in a $10-trillion modernization of their nuclear forces. We know that they already are building a new nuclear missile-carrying submarine class; they have a new bomber, the B-21; and they have new missiles that will be replacing them, the Sentinels.
All of this is to say that if Canada does not begin thinking strategically, we run two major risks. We run the risk that we are the weak link in regard to our enemies. If they see us as a weak link within whatever format that they are thinking in terms of the possibility of a nuclear exchange, that places all Canadians at risk. We also have a second problem that we must be aware of. The moment the Americans believe that we are also part of the weak link, that will be very detrimental, not only for our security but also for our economics and all of the other special relationships with the Americans.
The only way we can, in fact, endeavour to address these dire threats is to begin to think strategically, not in terms of what we need for submarines or meeting a 3% GDP rate, but how, in fact, we can strategically meet this dire geographical problem or crisis we are now facing, which is in many ways akin to what we faced in 1938.
Thank you very much.