In general, I would say that this isn't the case. Canada's productivity rate is one of the lowest in the Organisation for Economic Co‑operation and Development, or OECD.
Productivity would rise with increased robotization of domestic production, rather than a reliance on cheap labour. Unfortunately, Canada's strategy is to rely on cheap labour rather than to invest in high technology, which would boost production faster.
We need to respond effectively to the matter of autonomous weapons, which our enemies—rival states—may increasingly produce.
In addition to governance to express disapproval of autonomous weapons systems, which may be fine in a moral sense, we'll need military responses to prevent these weapons systems from threatening our external operations and national security, since they can be produced in massive quantities.
Personally, I didn't see in the defence policy update or in the minister's statements any idea or strategy to address the high‑volume production of drones or autonomous technologies that can carry out combat operations.