Thank you.
We spent a lot of time thinking about the four contested areas of war fighting. I'm happy to expand.
One of them is the information environment. We tend to think of this in terms of our adversaries—some of the threat actors are well known—and what they're doing to counter narratives or use information in a way counter to what we understand is the truth.
Where we need to work harder is on the prevalence of social media and the way young Canadians communicate, exchange and learn. We're not there yet. It begins with over-communicating among leaders and using all the tools we have available in order to ensure that our understanding of what's happening and our truthfulness get out first. It's a constant tension. In one way, we have young, educated men and women challenging us on “why” and “what”, and they're learning that through social media. The exchange is much healthier. It challenges us as leaders.
We have much more work to do in the information environment.