Thank you, Ms. Lambropoulos.
Unfortunately, this brings it to a close. I say “unfortunately” quite sincerely because I think we have benefited mightily by the wisdom and insights from both of you. I know it's trite to say thank you for your service, but to both of you, thank you for your service to Canada over many, many years. We really appreciate your coming to the committee and talking to us.
Interestingly, I was just thinking of our trip to Taiwan a year or so ago with Ms. Mathyssen. Christine, were you there? No. That's right. Was it James? No, it was Cheryl. Okay.
Many of the things you said were observations that we had made.
Mr. Fadden, one that kind of caught my attention was that we should take three or four departments over to Taiwan to see how they deal with cyber-attacks, misinformation and disinformation. If you want to enhance your defence and security, the Taiwanese can actually teach us about misinformation, disinformation and the millions of attacks they have on a daily basis. That is something we could really learn.
Unfortunately, I have to bring the gavel down and call this meeting to a close, but we really do appreciate it.
Colleagues, next Thursday, there will be a briefing on the Middle East. On October 29, we're going to do space defence. On October 31, the Finnish speaker will be here for the first hour, and space defence will be for the second hour. On November 5, we're anticipating the presence of Minister Sajjan.
You might speak to me as well, because the Finnish ambassador is inviting people for supper, I think, one night, for those who might be interested in that.
The other thing is, our colleague, Andy Fillmore, won. I thought we would send him a letter on behalf of the defence committee congratulating him. I'm sure the enthusiasm may be somewhat less on that side, but the enthusiasm over here will be wild.
Thank you again.
The meeting is adjourned.