I mentioned earlier the specificity of the kinds of algorithms we're talking about, so this isn't the kind of technology that could be adapted to something else. There's not that kind of big downside risk that we hear about in the media, talking about AI taking over, so to speak.
Rather, it's the idea that with more and more activity going on in space, and space being inherently a difficult place to operate—there's long latency for communication signals, limited bandwidth in communication and limited processing power—the more intelligence that you can put on a spacecraft, the more things you can do.
We're talking about commercial space stations taking over from the International Space Station. How are you going to build those? They'll be built with robotics. Are they going to be automated? They probably have to be.
Again, it's a huge opportunity for Canadian firms, and we need to make sure they are staying here—that they're in Canada to take advantage of that opportunity.