I'm also not going to state a position about my political leanings in this room.
As Mr. Ford said, I think that potentially there are ways where we can build in elements of a contract and requirements around control flow within an organization. Mr. Musk seems to maintain a lot of control over, say, Starlink—he's going to turn it off, turn it on.
I think there are ways that if a Canadian company was providing a communications service or a robotic service or something else in space, and the government was procuring that as one of the customers, again, ideally as a service, I think there are ways the contract can say that we have the ability to make these decisions—not you as an executive, not you as a board or an individual person. Again, there are also differences between Canadian publicly traded companies like Calian and Mr. Ford, and SpaceX, where this is completely privately owned, we don't know who the investors are, and we don't know what that control looks like.
I would certainly echo Mr. Ford's comment that it's a further argument to have domestic space capabilities. Otherwise, then, we are also beholden to Mr. Musk if we want to launch Canadian satellites. We currently are, as he essentially has a monopoly, so let's find a Canadian rocket company that's going to launch from Canadian soil with Canadian defence satellites and at least set ourselves apart from that question.