Canada, as was articulated earlier, is roughly within the top 10 or 12 defence spenders, according to the way we count it. However, I think it's been quite clear, through my testimony and that of others, that our output is not commensurate with the amount of money we spend. The first issue is to try to figure out what we have to do, what we're willing to spend to get it done and how quickly we can get it done.
Suddenly, we're faced with three demanding scenarios. There's one in the Indo-Pacific with China and its expansionist tendencies. The second one is the unfolding, continuing tragedies in the Middle East, egged on by Iran and Russia. Finally, of course, there is the looming spectre of the potential of further vast amounts of bloodshed in Ukraine, depending on what happens over the next couple of months with senior decision-makers elsewhere.
Is Canada prepared to fill some of the holes that could result from a more centralist view of the United States, and how much is it willing to contribute to the defence of others? We'd better be able to step up to the plate.