Essentially, the recruiting issue.... It's a crisis, as has been well articulated by the chief of the defence staff. Your numbers are quite right: 70,000 showed up, and only 5,000 got through.
Let's not forget the issue of the increase in bureaucracy. Very often, when organizations are under stress, they try to centralize management. When they're under stress and try to get complicated things done to have an output, therein lie problems, because that massive degree of centralization stifles initiative and stifles the ability to move quickly. What we have here is a failure in process and a failure in management.
I would like to remind all of us that, according to the National Defence Act, the Minister of National Defence “holds office during pleasure” and has as a responsibility “the management and direction of the Canadian Forces”. This is a ministerial issue, and he should be personally accountable to Canada and to Canadians for its resolution in the immediate sense because of the looming threat and because our friend and ally down south is getting really tired of covering for us.