Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank all the members of the committee for giving us an opportunity to come before you today to discuss the proposed funding for the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Armed Forces and the Communications Security Establishment through the supplementary estimates (B).
These estimates come at an extremely important time for the defence and security of Canada and Canadians. Through these estimates, we will be requesting $3.3 billion, which will help fund a number of commitments that we announced during our renewed defence policy, along with other critical operational requirements.
Likewise, there is $58.9 million being requested for Communications Security Establishment Canada, which will help to ensure that its members can continue to carry out their vital mission of safeguarding Canadians in the cyber domain. This investment is going to enhance CSE's ability to protect Canada's economic security, defend democratic processes and advance Canada's international affairs and defence and security interests.
I'd like to take a few moments, if I may, Mr. Chair, to highlight some of the key projects that we're proposing to fund through these estimates today.
First of all, it's important to note that over half of the funding requested for national defence and our military falls under capital spending. This reflects the need to invest in new equipment and programs in light of the challenging defence and security environment that we find ourselves in.
Of this funding, $659 million is being allocated to the future aircrew training program for incoming pilots, air combat system officers and airborne electronic sensor operations. This training will bolster our ability to train a sufficient number of qualified aircrews to meet our operational requirements and to ensure that the RCAF maintains a multi-purpose and combat-capable air force.
We are also requesting $561 million toward the Canadian multi-mission aircraft project, with which this committee will be well familiar, so that we can remain on track to replace our fleet of CP-140 Aurora aircraft with 16 new-generation P-8A Poseidon aircraft.
For the Royal Canadian Navy, we're requesting $310 million in capital funding as well as $5.4 million in operational funding to help deliver on two future joint support ships. Once these ships are complete and deployed in operations, they are going to provide deployed ships with fuel, spare parts, food, water and other much-needed supplies. In the meantime, we also have to maintain these capabilities through the interim auxiliary oiler replenishment vessel project, for which we're also proposing $15.3 million in funding through these estimates in a contract with Davie shipyard.
As we announced in budget 2024 and reaffirmed in “Our North, Strong and Free”, we're also allocating a total of $299 million toward sustaining our existing fleet of Halifax-class frigates while we build our future 15 River-class destroyers. Failing to maintain these vessels can significantly undermine our ability to meet our commitments in the Indo-Pacific and to NATO.
With some additional investments, we also remain committed to providing military assistance to Ukraine until they are victorious. In these estimates, we're allocating $763.5 million. This is going to be for the munitions, training and the tools that Ukraine needs to defend itself against Russia's illegal invasion.
We're also requesting $202 million toward the national procurement plan that will ensure the readiness of about 100 of our existing CAF fleets. I know this is a subject that has also been studied by...and you've heard testimony at this committee about the underinvestment and mismanagement of our existing fleets. We put forward $202 million in order to ensure the operational effectiveness of our existing fleet.
We're also allocating $209.2 million toward science and technology research associated with the NORAD modernization plan.
There are a number of other initiatives to provide modern equipment and improve support services for members of our military, as well as transfers to and from other departments and agencies.
Across the globe, as this committee is well aware, our adversaries are determined to undermine our values, our sovereignty and our democratic institutions to suit their own aims. This funding that is being requested through these estimates is critical to protecting Canadians and supporting our allies and partners against threats like these now and well into the future.
I believe we need to move quickly to ensure that our people in uniform have exactly what they need to keep us safe. I want to urge all members of this committee to unanimously support this desperately required funding in the upcoming estimates.
Thank you. I'm pleased to take whatever questions the committee may have.