First of all, let me take the opportunity to express my great pride in the exceptional work of CSE. I hear from our allies all the time about the very high respect that our people are earning in the international community. They're also doing critically important work in protecting not just our country but our provinces' and municipalities' critical infrastructure across this country from cyber-attacks.
Canada is in a state of constant attack from the hostile activities of state actors and criminal organizations that are attempting to undermine our important public institutions, our critical infrastructure and our data systems through cyber-attacks. CSE is our first line of defence. It's absolutely essential.
I'm sure the chief will be able to provide you with more detail on what some of those investments will involve and why they're necessary. They have convinced me, and I hope to be able to convince you, that there's an urgency to continue to make these investments, because the work that they do is so critically important to our national security and defence.