There are multiple success stories coming from the federal contaminated sites action plan, and I think DND will be well placed to speak to some of the successes that it's had in some detail. These major types of situations like you're speaking about in Sudbury are complex and are often the result of decades-long efforts to assess, plan and clean up sites and then provide nature time to recuperate and fully restore.
I think I would invite DND, when they're here, to speak to their efforts in Esquimalt, in the harbour there, where 200 years' worth of industrial and various activities have created multiple hot spots and difficulties, both for the harbour and first nations. After extended efforts, there are signs of sea life returning to Esquimalt Harbour. There are those types of cases.
Hamilton Harbour is another place where, through work on the Great Lakes action plan, there's been significant work to contain and restore it. That's a site that has been worked on outside of FCSAP, but it is certainly a very long, collaborative effort with the city and the province, and there are certainly many more like that. There is a lot of good work being done, certainly, across DND and other partners.