Yes, there are similarities among our countries. We have similar regimes in place, at the end of the day. Most of the allies we work with closely have similar programs to fix that. These are centrally controlled programs their defence departments draw on to address contamination on defence-related sites. Because a lot of our allies have similar types of contamination, we can draw lessons from how they deal with and remediate those contaminants.
In terms of the way they prioritize contaminated sites, there are some great similarities there, because they also prioritize the potential for impacts on humans and the environment. It's a very similar regime in terms of how they approach contaminants and the need to address those contaminants. As I mentioned earlier, PFAS is one of the emerging contaminants that is driving a lot of concern and a lot of the work.
Science is science regardless of borders. We can draw on a lot of that from our allies.