Those are great questions. Thank you very much.
I'll address the latter question first. I think you're right. Environmental regulations do evolve over time. We have a really good sense of what contaminants would be in any closed sites. They're closed for a reason. They're closed because they went through a process. That process would have identified the type of contamination that resides at those particular sites.
With any kind of major evolution of an environmental regulation, we would then have the ability to know what we're looking for in terms of those closed sites and would then assess whether we need to reassess that site, reopen it and treat it as required.
In terms of the process around divestment, there is actually a very formulaic process that custodians use in the Government of Canada when we want to divest surplus properties. Part of that process—I think this is point number three, but I could be wrong—is looking at the question of contamination, assessing whether there's contamination on the site and then undertaking any necessary remediation to ensure that the site can be used down the line.