Okay. You're not being cavalier. You're being somebody who is asking such an important question, because your question is actually connected to ours.
I'm going to base everything I tell you on fact or on something odd I have noticed, because that is how I've been running for the last 12 months.
Right now, the fact is that PFAS is being cleaned up in North Bay, for $20 million. PFAS is being cleaned up with you guys. We've had TCE cleaned up from Shannon. Why is that? That brings in Gagetown, but we'll discuss that another time.
Why is this issue important? TCE and PFAS are what Health Canada is allowed to see. That is why you guys are being classified differently, because Health Canada is seeing it when it enters the communities, because then the province and the federal government can get Health Canada involved.
Health Canada is a department. Let's look at it as the pyramid that it is. The only person who can come onto a DND base is not Health Canada. They're a department. They can't tell on each other publicly. This is a problem. They can't. Neither can the environment commission. The only people who can come are the labour board. What does the labour board have to say?
After lots of emailing with them, I've realized that the problem is that if DND can show they are bringing in privatized firms to do the testing, like on building 143, where they've also done the list of contaminants, they will not come in, because they don't have enough to issue a complaint. They don't have enough, because there's enough money being spread out that they should know....
I'm going to tell you what's happening with 143, and I might not have a job when I go back: 143 has an issue. First, I found out.... Do you know that a CR-4, a procurement finance clerk, had to run around in the middle of the night and look at every single environmental assessment she could pull from the United States to be able to slip it to everybody who is DND to put it on...? Do you know that they took all of those chemicals off?
If you do not test for it, it is not there. Is that how we're closing our sites? We know that DND, based on ADM(IE) testimony and the fact that Environment here was sitting on the TCE board as what is an assistant deputy minister.... They told you TCE. They told you what Health Canada knows. They have not told you what is on those bases. That is the problem: Health Canada cannot come in. The environmental board will not come in, because DND is showing, based on paper and statistics, that they are looking into it. That is a problem. We don't split contracts. That is an ill intent. We need to decide what is our intent behind our actions.
Now we have criteria issues. How does a pile sitting right by the day care centre, blowing—where my son went for a year—not pass when it has contaminants that last for over a thousand years in our soil, like you were dealing with, like so many of us are dealing with? The only thing I can come up with, based on talking to retired members, is criteria: How are we classifying the sites? Are we looking at it as far away behind the mess? Guess what? If that is it, it's different criteria, because it's not by a person.
Why are some of our sites closing immediately after being knocked down but the land isn't...? Because, based on CCME documentation, policy and guidelines—