Going back to the Gagetown base area fact-finding project, there were samples taken, yes. They stated that the majority of the levels of dioxin, for example, were mostly in the areas that the Americans sprayed in '66 and '67, the Clones bivouac area, the Murphy bivouac and some ranges, which would be the rifle range, the grenade range and the rocket range. They were all sprayed repeatedly. They were reported as high as 50, 75 and 143 times above the limit of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment for dioxin in the soil.
I personally spoke with Dr. Furlong in his office in CFB Gagetown during that fact-finding project. He informed me that the Clones bivouac area alone was 170 times above the limit of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, not 143.
I have no idea what they're doing now.