Perhaps, if it's all right with the chair, I'll start on the first part as it pertains to women and recruitment.
The target of 25% women within the Canadian Forces, I think, is a goal that we have been striving towards, but one that I think will be challenging for us to meet by 2025. Of the intake we had in the 2020-22 years, 15.6% of the over 8,000 people who were recruited into the Canadian Armed Forces were women.
As you know, we are very much putting in place programs into which women, I would say, when they meet the qualifications to join the Canadian Armed Forces, are brought forward as candidates. Those are both in the Royal Military College and in the ranks so that we can continue to try to prioritize the placement of female applicants into the Canadian Armed Forces.
As well, during the time of COVID, we had a little bit of a pause from trying to focus on listening to women's voices with respect to what they need within the Canadian Armed Forces. We have in place a women in force program that is really about trying to give women voices to bring forward the issues they see as barriers to their service moving forward.
We also do not wish the onus to be on—