Absolutely. Let me first of all comment on Ms. Cohen's concept. It is a concept that I know. As a soldier, I did three tours in Germany during the Cold War, and I counted on the civil defence organization of Germany to make sure that my troops could get from their barracks to the border when we were deployed. I worked with them extensively in other areas as well.
Let's talk about the actual.... You're talking about funding, but I want to give you a structure. In Alberta, first of all you have first responders. Every citizen is expected to be able to take care of themselves for 72 hours. The first responders come to the aid of the citizens who are directly affected. Then the municipal order of government must have a municipal emergency plan, which is verified annually and includes a lot of volunteer organizations that exist in their community and MOUs with their bordering communities. Then there's the provincial order of government that does exactly the same thing and has those volunteer organizations embedded, things like ham radio operators.
At each order of government, there's a responsibility, and it is assumed that they are accountable for the funding. However, what we expected of a town of 100 and what we expected of a city of one million were completely different with respect to their emergency management plans, and we monitored their plans based on that level of capability, with the province filling in the gaps. I expect the same with the federal order of government: that it would work with all 13 provinces and territories, understanding their capabilities and limitations, linking in volunteer organizations, linking in the other agencies and providing funding and assistance where they are needed.
Edmonton didn't need any funding. A small town like Hanna might. You work based on a requirement, and that's from knowing your jurisdiction at each order of government.
I'm sorry. If I may, could I just add one piece?