I call the meeting to order.
I know it's an unheard of concept to start a minute or two early, but we are all in our places, with bright, shining faces. Hopefully, we can get going.
I want to welcome the revamped Conservatives to the committee. There are three out of four. Welcome to the committee.
I also want to take this opportunity to welcome General Eyre and his colleagues. It is so nice to see you in the flesh, as opposed to on a screen. We're looking forward to what you have to say.
I'll say to our colleagues that when it comes to questioning, I'm rather hoping that we can stay on the subject matter that General Eyre and his colleagues have been invited to speak to us on. This is one of many areas of subject matter that the committee is interested in. I am hoping we can focus on that for at least this morning.
Finally, the Library of Parliament has put forward a work plan for this particular study. I would be interested in feedback from the committee prior to locking in the proposed set of witnesses to follow this presentation.
With that, I will ask General Eyre for his five minutes. Again, on behalf of the committee, thank you for appearing. Also—trying not to sound trite about it—thank you, sir and your colleagues, for your service. Particularly in the last year, it has been extraordinarily difficult. I'm sure it's been the challenge of your and your colleagues' careers.
Thank you for that. We look forward to what you have to say.