Right now, actually, ranger leadership is going on in Yellowknife for the 1st Canadian Ranger Patrol Group. Ranger leaders from across the north were able to come together and talk to 1 CRPG about what they want to see happening in the near future. I think that's a great built-in part of the organization that allows rangers to speak their minds.
In terms of passing along traditional knowledge and ensuring that this becomes a really important part of the solutions to all the challenges, I think Calvin Pedersen might say this: When he was in high school, there were lots of opportunities in the classroom to learn these skills and to pass along traditional knowledge, but those all disappeared. Yes, the junior Canadian rangers program, the JCR, is fantastic, but they're not [Technical difficulty—Editor] as many kids in the communities as is required.
Get back into the schools with traditional knowledge and skills. That's a great way to go forward.