Yes. With military colleges, I think the one thing that's really important to remember is that not all the officer cadets and naval cadets are trained in military colleges. In fact, probably half of them are educated in civilian universities and receive their military training and their physical fitness and so on along the way, as they go along, and they become very successful officers in CAF.
The problem with the military colleges is that they are small subcultures. I'll give you one example—the presence of women. I understand that there is sexual misconduct on civilian university campuses. I don't deny that. But when you're educated in an environment where at least 50% of your colleagues are actually women, it's very different from when you're educated in an environment, as in the colleges now, where they're barely 25%, in a culture that is heavily masculine. That's quite apart from....
I can't judge the quality of the education in what are, actually, university degree-granting institutions. I think everything has to be looked at together. I'm very concerned about the responsibility that is imposed on cadets over junior cadets. Some people have—