Thanks for the question. I'll take a first stab at it and maybe turn to my colleague Alia for a follow-up.
Before the invasion of Ukraine started, we had been communicating to our partners the threat of Russian cyber-activities. Russia is a formidable cyber-actor, and we have been communicating as much as possible for people to take the threat seriously.
From a Ukrainian perspective, they've been the victim of Russian cyber-aggression since 2015 and 2016, when it affected the power grid. Over the years, Ukraine has been building resilience. With the help of the west tipping them off, they have fended off a number of cyber-attacks that Russia unleashed on Ukraine in the early days of the war.
We have learned a lot from these cyber-attacks that Russia has unleashed on Ukraine. We have quickly turned around and published or issued cyber-flashes, so that, in case there is any spillover effect in North America, or at least in Canada, we are prepared to share as much as possible with critical infrastructure and businesses about what some of these indicators are.