Thank you very much for the question. It's very front of mind. CSE's mandate is first and foremost in cyberspace. Whether we're collecting foreign intelligence through cyberspace or we're helping to protect systems through our cybersecurity mandate, it is our raison d’être, so this part of the minister's mandate letter is very near and dear to our hearts.
As you said, they are increasing in sophistication, in number and in variety. We have to really look at what it's going to take for Canada to address some of these. We have decided that a whole-of-society approach is the most appropriate one. In that whole-of-society approach, the federal government does play a specific role, and has a key lead role to play.
For example, when it comes to defending the government systems, we have also consolidated our cyber expertise at the federal level within CSE in the cyber centre. We produce cyber-threat intelligence through our foreign intelligence mandate, or FI mandate, and we have new legislation that allows us to conduct foreign cyber-operations offshore to help mitigate some of the threats before they materialize in Canada.
It's not just CSE; it's very much a team sport at the federal level. One thing we're trying very much to do is to share some of the competitive advantage we have through our federal mandates back with the public. We are doing more public threat assessments that really incorporate the insights that come from our intelligence mandate. We're providing advice, guidance and technical indicators publicly, but also through secure and special channels to critical infrastructure owners and operators and defenders so that they can have the information they need.
We are providing tools that we develop, in our own mandate, into the public domain so that Canadians and others can use them. We're also providing our threat feeds to other organizations—to CIRA, for example, which is the Canadian DNS registry. It allows them to take our threat feed and pass that along to Canadians through apps that they develop, such as Canadian Shield. We are also taking down fraudulent domains that are masquerading as the Government of Canada. In the last couple of years, we have taken down about 10,000 of those sites, together with industry partners.
The minister's mandate letter is asking us, just as a reminder, to ensure that CSE is in a position to continue to lead Canada's response to the evolving cyber-risks. They are definitely in a dynamic and fluid space right now. We will continue to work with critical infrastructure sectors and government jurisdictions, such as provinces, territories and municipalities, and really try to decant the knowledge we have with them. We will be working with the minister and her team to address the mandate letter to look at the resourcing for CSE.