That's an excellent question, madam, because it has to do with the political culture and the strategic culture of each of these countries.
For example, Iran primarily has strategic purposes in the Middle East region. Iran is not primarily targeting Canada, the United States or European allies. One of North Korea's primary goals is to steal vast sums of money to fund its nefarious activities. Russia has global capabilities. What differentiates China and Russia from other countries is the scale of the capabilities and a strategic patience to develop those capabilities to optimize certain objectives.
For example, you may remember the computer infiltration of the SolarWinds company systems, about 18 months or two years ago. It was an attempted cyber-attack that probably took 12 to 18 months to plan. It probably took a thousand people to put all the pieces together. These actors have very different capabilities from other states. Therefore, active and offensive measures must be taken to deter them from taking actions that are against our interests.