It's a great question. We've tried for 20 years to build norms and consensus around this, and we've made very little progress within the UN and within other bodies.
What you need to understand is that there are people who believe in the liberal rules-based international order—that's about 57 countries—there are countries that are agnostic, and then there's a subset of countries that simply do not believe in that order, so we will never get an international cyber-governance regime, at least not in the foreseeable future, but we can force hostile actors [Technical difficulty—Editor]. We can deter them from bad behaviour if they know that the United States and its allies lay out big, clear red lines, such that there will be serious repercussions for that actor—whether in cyberspace or kinetic, through sanctions or otherwise—for crossing those lines. My opening statement lays out precisely that sort of mechanism.
However, the Government of Canada has been extremely reticent in using the powers that were given to CSE in Bill C-59 once the act received royal assent. The challenge is, then, what is the point of providing those powers if we're not actually going to use them to advance our interests? Canada has always prided itself on being a country that builds and then enforces international norms and rules, but when it comes to cyberspace, by not using those powers we are effectively doing exactly the opposite.
Now that we have those powers, we also need to use them to defend our interests and our allies' interests. The reason we need to use them is that this is a very particular role for the state to play, because private sector actors and other public sector actors do not have active and offensive capabilities that they can employ. Only the state can deploy those capabilities, so only the state can be proactive in either interdicting or, if need be, in cyberspace, also perhaps sabotaging the capabilities of state-based or state-tolerated malicious actors.