I have a couple of thoughts, Mr. Chair, before I turn to the chief.
On the workplace, it is an integrated workplace. Civilians and military members are side by side. When we talk about culture, we do have to talk about both, both in terms of who might be behaving inappropriately and those who are the recipients of that behaviour. It can be civilian and/or military.
When we meet with union leadership at our regular meetings, we talk about workplace initiatives and education, and also the backlog or the slowness in responding to some of those grievances.
When I've gone to bases and held town halls, there probably isn't a great understanding amongst all of how the system works. I would flag that the first thing we have to do with all inside the department is to make sure that everyone is more aware of the responsibilities of hearing these grievances. They're often resolved at the lower levels, but I think people have a model in mind where everything rockets up the list to the chief or me. The vast majority can get resolved at the lower level.
We're not as good as we can be in communicating the status of those grievances. That's a frequent topic.