It's a good question.
My expertise has to do with psychological interventions, so my mind goes to what psychological interventions we might be able to do. I would love it if, included in the roster of services for transition, was employment counselling, quite directly helping veterans.
I am not saying that it's not available at all, but it's not available enough. Veterans need help translating on their CVs, between a military culture and a civilian culture, what they are capable of. They have soft skills that perhaps people don't understand around teamwork and focus, which you learn in the military. That's where my mind goes first: actually empowering the veterans with skills.
Is it not possible for us to be doing public campaigns that let the public know about this, that show examples of successful employment transitions between a military and a civilian context? I am sure there are some amazing success stories out there where people use the skills that the government gives folks now in the civilian sector.