F-16s have been a high priority for the Government of Ukraine. We were very excited that we were able to join the international coalition. We've been working very closely with the Dutch and the Danes, who are leading this initiative, trying to figure out how we can support the various phases that are out there for training. That includes things like language training so that the Ukrainian pilots can be up to speed on the machines. That includes things like learning how to fly fighter jets in general, as well as training that's specific to the F-16s. From a DND and CAF point of view, as you mentioned, we don't have F-16s, but there are areas where we can contribute as part of that.
It's been a challenging file from the point of view that F-16s are very complicated pieces of equipment. We're working closely with international partners to see how we can fit in. That's one of the areas that we've allocated funding to support.